Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Closing Thoughts

    Well, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at different sources and comparing the varying opinions of people. And to be honest, I’m still kind of up in the air about the issue. I guess you could say I’m leaning towards one opinion but if I had time to do more research my opinion might very well change again. This really is such a big topic! There are so many different views on it, and almost all of them have reasonable support. It seems like such a simple question, but in the end I think it really all comes down to your own point of view.
     I’m leaning towards the idea that once a creator puts their work out into the public eye, it’s out there to be interpreted however the different viewers chose. In the end that’s what makes these kinds of things so amazing as a creator: seeing just how other people will interpret your work. Not to say that there aren’t ridiculous interpretations, but that comes with the business.  I admit I’m still a bit split on the issue because I do think that the creator’s interpretation of their own creation does hold a bit more weight to it than your average Joe.
    There really is something so enjoyable in seeing the analyses of others though, especially when they’re outlandish. I once happened upon a theory that said the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was actually a metaphor for Christianity and that it was retelling the fall of the devil. They even had pretty plausible evidence to back the theory up, even if they admitted it probably wasn’t true. Is this interpretation any less valid when compared to the intentions of the creator, which was just to make a good show for young girls? I don’t think so really, but that’s the fun thing about art. It can be interpreted in so many different ways, and I think they’re usually able to hold their ground.

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